Part 3 Intermediate English Learning – Which City Do You Like Better, Jakarta Or Bali ?

pembelajaran bahasa inggris part/bagian 3 untuk tingkat intermediate

A. Article ( Artikel )

Jakarta Or Bali ?

Thousand of tourists always visit Indonesia, especially to Jakarta or Bali from over the world or from domestic itself every year. Each of them might have some opinions which are different about two both cities.
For me, I like Jakarta better, because I born in this city. The city is busier, noisier, more crowded than bali and more exciting than any other city in Indonesia. We could see so many big skyscrappers on many famous streets there. It has more big office buildings, supermarkets, apartments. We could choose so many choices for transportation easily. Traffic is the most problem there, but you could choose one of many transportation forms, that you think it is more efficient and effective you use it. There are ojek online, taxi online, busway, small public transportations ( it called angkot ), train, MRT or other choices. Btw, cost of living in Jakarta is more expensive than bali. The weather is friendlier, sometime it’s sunny and warm or hot, but not really hot, but sometime so many rains there.
Bali, I like better for travelling. Life is more relaxed than life in Jakarta. There are many beautiful beaches and mountains there. It’s a really one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever gone to. The weather is great too, sunny and warm. We’ve been calling bali as Pulau Dewata. What a wonderful island!.

B. Word Definitions ( Definisi Kata )
Words Definitions
relaxed not nervous. santai, tidak gugup.
thrilled excited and happy. menggairahkan, semangat dan bahagia.
role part an actor plays in a movie, tv show, etc. bagian peranan yang dimainkan oleh seorang aktor dalam sebuah film atau pertunjukkan.
guy man. laki-laki.
decide make up your mind. memutuskan sesuatu.

C. Useful Expressions ( Ekspresi Yang Bermanfaat )
Expressions Meaning In Indonesia
relaxed not nervous. santai, tidak gugup.
a hit sebuah kesuksesan
make good money membuat uang yang banyak
my big break sebuah kesempatan besar dan luar biasa
make it big untuk membuat sesuatu menjadi sukses

  • This my first song. But this song is going to be a hit. If I stay, I can make good money.
  • This new song is my big break. It’s a more beautiful song than anything I sang in cafe and it’s a much more exciting song than I sang in concert. This my chance to make it big in Television.

D. Grammar : Noun Comparison With More ( Perbandingan Kata Benda Dengan Kata More )
More yang berarti lebih banyak, digunakan untuk menyatakan kata benda jamak, yang artinya ada benda yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu ( plural noun ) atau kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung ( uncountable noun ). Penggunaan kata ini bisa dikombinasi dengan kata benda untuk menunjukkan perbandingan dengan hal lain dengan menggunakan kata than juga.
  • Jakarta has more skyscrapers than Bali
  • Bandung has more rain per year than Jakarta
  • Jakarta has more people than Bali
  • Jakarta is more sunshine per year than Bandung
  • Ellen has more ice cream than me in refrigerator

E. Grammar : Answering Questions With or ( Menjawab Pertanyan Dengan Pilihan Or )
Ketika kita dihadapkan pada sebuah kalimat pertanyaan dengan pilihan yang menggunakan kata or, kita bisa menjawab secara singkat ataupun lengkap.
Question Answer
Which do you like better, Jakarta or Bali ? - I like Jakarta better
- Jakarta

F. Dialogue
Ellen : Which do you like better, big city or small city to live ?
Nancy : I like big city better.
Ellen : How about Jakarta and Bali, which one do you like better to live?
Nancy : I think, I like Jakarta.
Ellen : It’s the same with me.
Nancy : What’s your reason ?
Ellen : I like Jakarta better, because it’s more exciting and having more supermarket. Live is easier there, but it’s more expensive than other city.
Nancy : I agree with you.

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